



About Us

Kings Academy Trust

On 1st May 2012 Oakwood High School changed status to become an academy operating within a single academy trust (SAT) and changed its name to Oakwood Academy. We were inspected by Ofsted in July 2013 and were judged to be outstanding in all areas. In July 2015 we converted to a multi academy trust (MAT) as we felt strongly that single academies needed to work in collaboration with other schools. The Trust is called Kings Academy Trust.

What is an academy?

Academies are publicly funded, autonomous, independent local schools. Academies benefit from greater freedoms to innovate and raise standards. The increase in operational autonomy is wide reaching covering aspects of teaching and learning and operation of school business such as contractual services. Academies are required to follow the law on admissions, special educational needs and exclusions as if they were maintained schools. Academies have greater freedom over how they use their budgets to best benefit their pupils.

Constitution of the Trust Board

The trustees are a small group of specialists who take on the legal role of co-ordination of the educational charitable company set up to run the Multi Academy Trust. The trustees are responsible for determining the governance of all the schools within the Trust through a written constitution.

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