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The trustees are a small group of specialists who take on the legal role of co-ordination of the educational charitable company set up to run the Multi Academy Trust. The trustees are responsible for determining the governance of all the schools within the Trust through a written constitution.

Chair of Trust Board – Laurence Cooper

Chair of Trust Board – Laurence Cooper

I became a Governor when I saw how much the school had helped my son, my motivation is to help other sons and daughters achieve their potential and aspirations. I have helped lead the school through considerate change and I am very proud that we promote the highest standards in all areas of school life.

Relevent Business and Pecuniary Interests Daughter and Son in Law work at Oakwood Academy

Term Dates: 01.05.2020- 30.04.2024

Vice Chair - Jacqui Hughes

Vice Chair - Jacqui Hughes

I have lived and worked in Salford all my life. I am a Training Consultant providing Safeguarding, Prevent and Mental Health in-service for schools and educational settings. I have been involved in education for almost 50 yrs. Firstly as a teacher and then as a Service Manager for Salford Local Authority. I have extensive experience of managing teams who plan and deliver Alternative Education services for pupils who are unable to access mainstream settings. I am the Chair of the Canterbury Centre Management Committee and have helped to lead the organisation from requiring improvement to good. I am committed to the principles of Educational Inclusion and Child Centred Learning.

Relevent Business and Pecuniary Interests Trainer at Salford City Council since 2010

Term Dates: 03.03.2023- 03.03.2027

Trustee – Margaret Burgin

Trustee – Margaret Burgin

I was a BBC journalist for many years and was part of the team that moved the BBC into Salford.  I joined Oakwood as a Governor whilst in the role of Community Affairs Manager at the BBC Media City site, and I was incredibly  impressed by the positive attitude of the school. ScreenSkills is the skills organisation for screen in the UK.  Screen to us means film, TV, animation, visual effects, games and immersive technology, and we provide information and training for all of these sectors. I was lucky enough to be appointed as Head of Careers there when I left the BBC, and it’s a challenging role! A lot of my work is with schools, encouraging a wider variety of young people to aspire to careers in screen and the wider creative industries. I also work with students of all ages, and those who transfer into the screen from other industries. A major part of my work has been improving diversity and raising awareness of the capabilities of neurodiverse young people. I am very proud to be a Trustee of the Kings Academy Trust.

Relevent Business and Pecuniary Interests Nothing to Declare

Term Dates: 11.07.2020- 10.07.2024

Trustee – Louise Smith

Trustee – Louise Smith

I am an educationalist with over 20 years’ experience and have had considerable leadership experience as a Head teacher in three different primary schools, one having been judged in its latest
inspection as outstanding in all areas. I have excellent inter-personal skills, embrace the changing education policy landscape and am currently undertaking the role of an Executive Head teacher for two schools while leading the strategic direction of Warrington Teaching School Alliance and CEO of Warrington Primary Academy Trust. My specific areas of expertise are within KS1 and KS2 in schools with significant socio-economic barriers. I am an NLE, supporting system leadership across the North West and also an Ofsted Inspector. As CEO of Warrington Primary Academy Trust, I am responsible for
staff development, ensuring that the needs of all pupils are met, promoting the core values of the Trust and overseeing relationships with the DfE.

Relevent Business and Pecuniary Interests CEO of Warrington Primary Academy Trust since 2016

Term Dates: 20.01.2021- 19.01.2025

Trustee - Lee Shannon

Trustee - Lee Shannon

I am currently Vice Chair of the Governing Board at The Friars Primary School in Salford, and have served as a parent governor for the school since 2020. In that time, I have worked with the headteacher and school leadership team.
As a chartered accountant my primary area of expertise is within Finance, and I have supported The Friars and helped improve both their financial position and quality of their financial analysis in my time as a governor.
Since joining the Governing Board at The Friars, I have also been heavily involved with school effectiveness and improvement, meeting with the Local Authority School Improvement Officer regularly.
I also run a local community group, the Friends of Green Grosvenor Park. As part of this, we organise an annual family fun day on the park along with many community activities to help strengthen the community, with a particular focus on supporting local families in poverty. In 2018/19, I was one of the lead parents in the campaign which saved 5 of Salford’s nurseries, organising a march, rallies, fundraising days and meeting with local politicians and the Government Minister for Early Years at the Department for Education.
I am looking forward to joining the Kings Academy Trust board and hope my experience in Finance and Education can help support the trust, the schools and most importantly, the children.

Relevent Business and Pecuniary Interests Nothing to Declare

Term Dates: 03.03.2023- 03.03.2027

Trustee – Graham Myers

Trustee – Graham Myers

I qualified as a Management Account too many years ago to remember. My first Post was with the National Coal Board.
My Education Career commenced in 1986 with Sheffield City Council. I continued my financial development with a number of roles in different Authorities until I became the Deputy Education Finance Officer at Wakefield MDC in 1991. I was responsible for the Schools Finance in Wakefield setting up and delivering numerous training activities as required.
I then moved on to become the Business Manager at St Wilfrid’s where I was involved in establishing the first CMAT for the Leeds Diocese.
I have held a number of Trustee roles with different schools usually becoming the Chair of the Finance Committee.
Hobbies include amateur performances on stage covering Drama, Panto and Musical Theatre. I also love watching as many theatre productions as possible, both professional and amateur.

Relevent Business and Pecuniary Interests Financial Consultant for Chatsworth Multi Academy Trust since 2022, Trustee at Low Road and Windmill Music Federation since 2021

Term Dates: 03.03.2023- 03.03.2027

Trustee – Jenny Davies (Resigned 01.01.24)

Trustee – Jenny Davies (Resigned 01.01.24)

I am Chair of Governors at Moss Valley Academy Primary School.

I taught in London before coming to work in Salford 42 years ago. I became a HT at an Inner City Primary School and then worked for St. Helens in their School Improvement Team, part time. I still work independently in Primary Schools, mostly, as the External Consultant to Governors for the Performance of the HT. It has been a privilege to work in so many schools and I am very pleased to be a part of King’s Trust Trustees and look forward to contributing to the future.

Relevent Business and Pecuniary Interests Educational Consultant since 2009

Attendance at Meetings

Trust Board Meetings 2022-23

Name 20.12.22 02.05.23 24.07.23
Laurence Cooper Yes Yes Yes
Jillian Collinson Apologies N/A N/A
Margaret Burgin Yes Yes Apologies
Louise Smith Apologies Yes Yes
Emma Twell Apologies N/A N/A
Lee Shannon N/A Yes Yes
Graham Myers N/A Yes Yes
Jacqui Hughes N/A Yes Yes
Jenny Davies N/A N/A Yes

Finance & Resources Committee Meetings 2022-23

Name 03.10.22 10.11.22 11.01.23 08.03.23 15.05.23
Laurence Cooper Yes Apologies Apologies Yes Yes
Jillian Collinson Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A
Graham Myers N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes

Standards Committee Meetings 2022-23

Name 08.11.22 16.05.23
Emma Twell Yes N/A
Louise Smith Yes Yes
Jenny Davies N/A Yes
Laurence Cooper N/A Yes

Risk & Audit Committee Meetings 2022-23

Name 15.05.23
Lee Shannon Yes
Margaret Burgin Yes
Jacqui Hughes Yes

Trust Structure

Trust Structure Diagram

Trust Structure Diagram

We have a governance structure in place which has overall responsibility for all schools in the trust.

Members - The members are akin to the shareholders of a company. They have an important role in overseeing the trust and it's Trustees. But they are custodians at a distance and they are not involved in the day-to-day strategic direction of the trust. They meet a minimum of once a year.

Trustees - Trustees have overall accountability for the performance and development of the trust. They put in place committees to support their work. Trustees meet a minimum of four times a year.

Local Governing Bodies - Each academy in our trust also has their own Local Governing Body. Details can be found on school websites.

Please download our Trust Structure Diagram which visually shows how our Trust is structured.