Acer Academy




Acer Academy Section 10 Consultation

Please note: The Acer Academy Consultation period is now closed. 

Thank you to everyone who contributed by completing the questionnaire or attending the consultation meeting.

As part of the process of opening a Free School, the Department for Education require a consultation* under Section 10 of the Academies Act 2010. This enables local residents, staff and governors from local schools, parents, councillors, community groups and any other interested parties to share their views.

The consultation period for Acer Academy will run from 16th December 2024 to 20th January 2025.  This is an important step in our journey to opening in September 2025. We are looking forward to listening to your views in order to provide you with the best school possible.

We are keen to ensure that we deliver a school that meets local needs and requirements and welcome your views.  To share these with us please complete our online questionnaire by using the link on the right of this page or you can also download and email a hard copy of the questionnaire to or by post to:

Kings Academy Trust,
Free School Consultation,
Suite 1A,
City Approach,
M30 0BG.

*Please note this consultation is not related to any building or planning applications surrounding the new school; it is solely to consult on whether appropriate persons support the Trust to enter into a Funding Agreement with the Secretary of State for Education to run Acer Academy.  

The site for Acer Academy will be situated on Kintyre Avenue, Salford, M5 5DP.


Don't forget to share your views by completing our Section 10 Consultation Questionnaire.
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Kings Academy Trust & Acer Academy’s Vision & Values

Kings Academy Trust & Acer Academy’s Vision & Values

Kings Academy Trust is dedicated to delivering outstanding education. We believe all children have an entitlement to the very best.

Our Mission, Vision & Values

Our mission is to work with those who need us the most.

Our vision is to create a blended Trust that includes SEND schools, mainstream primary and PRU’s and to create hubs that drive school improvement.

Our values are:                            

  • To be inclusive
  • To provide nurturing/caring environments
  • For children to feel safe
  • To work with integrity and a strong moral compass
  • To have the highest expectations and standards

Acer Academy Overview

Acer Academy Overview

Acer Academy will accommodate 65 pupils aged between 11-16. It will be for children who have a diagnosis of Autism/SEMH. We have high aspirations for our children and young people, and we aim to provide a high quality, relevant and balanced education that focuses on individual, personal and academic achievement to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to learn, develop and succeed. 

We want to ensure our children and young people become valued and active members of the community whilst making a successful transition to adulthood and an appropriate level of independence within local communities. 

In partnership with our pupils and their parents, our school will provide a stimulating environment where: 

  •  The education and development of our pupils is supported in a pleasant, happy, safe and caring environment, where belief in the importance of positive, interpersonal relationships is firmly embedded.
  • Physical and emotional health and care are seen as the foundations by which good educational outcomes are achieved.
  • Enjoyment, interest, motivation and ‘achievement for all are fostered through success.
  • The curriculum has a wide degree of overlap with the best mainstream curricula, in that it covers, through modification where appropriate, an appropriate range of experiences, the same skills, concepts and moral values.
  • Each pupil’s present educational and personal needs are met as fully as possible whilst preparing them for life-long learning.
  • Pupils prepare to become socially included, active participants and responsible contributors to society, achieving as much independence as possible.
  • Children and young people are prepared for the transition to adulthood and a level of independence appropriate to their abilities.

Every child or young person will be:

  • Successful - enjoy learning, make progress, choose pathways that are appropriate to them individually and achieve their potential.
  • Confident - able to lead safe, healthy, happy and fulfilling lives and have high aspirations.
  • Responsible - make a positive contribution to our community and society.

Admission Arrangements

Admission Arrangements
  • All pupils who attend Acer Academy will need an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan).
  • Referrals and places at Acer Academy will be made in conjunction with the Local Authority.