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Multi Academy Trust

The Benefits

The Kings Academy Trust will provide a ‘bespoke’ package of support for school improvement which includes:

A set number of days’ support each year from the Executive Principal/NLE, Executive Finance Director, Director of Teaching School, SLE’s and Consultants in specialist roles.

Key Areas of Focus

  • Standards, data analysis, target setting and action planning.
  • Quality of teaching and learning.
  • Leadership and Management.
  • Half termly support and challenge visits.
  • Support with Performance Management.
  • Access to CPD and training. 

Support for Local Governing Bodies

  • A comprehensive package of support and professional development.
  • Access to Governor Networks.
  • Support from the Trust Board.
Key Priorities for the Trust

The priorities for the Trust and consequently its executive principals are:

  • To develop the multi academy trust over a 1, 3 and 5 year strategic plan.
  • We will bring two good or outstanding schools into our Trust by 2023.
  • We will sponsor an underperforming school by 2025.
  • By 2025 we want all schools within our Trust to be good or outstanding in their Ofsted judgements.  
  • We will manage and develop School Improvement packages and ensure best practice is shared within the Trust. 
  • To ensure that Finances and Governance of the Trust operate to the highest standards.
  • To network so that our Trust’s voice is heard and promoted locally and nationally.
Deciding to Convert

Schools converting to an academy and joining the Kings Academy Trust will receive support throughout the conversion process.  This includes the following:

A series of visits to assist the Local Governing Body with the decision making prior to the conversion.

Due diligence health checks will be undertaken on the following areas:

  • Teaching and learning, to identify strengths.
  • Review of leadership and Governance.
  • Financial review, to determine the school’s current financial position and identify support and training requirements by Business Managers.
  • Buildings, to assess the condition of the buildings and to determine whether they are safe and fit for purpose.
  • I.T review, to assess capacity of the I.T systems. 

Full project management support with:

Administration of the conversion process, legal transfer of lands and assets, HR and the Tupe process and liaison with the Department for Education and parental consultation.